Youth Services

Be sure to check out Council's Facebook page and website for information about school holiday activities.
Located in the Activities Centre on Daintree Street Cloncurry, PCYC is the hub for youth in Cloncurry.
With a Program Manager from the Queensland Police Service and a dedicated Youth Support Officer, the Club delivers a range of programs and support for young people ages 12 -21.
These include:
- Youth support services
- Youth engagement programs
- School-based programs
- Youth Leadership Team
- Holiday Activities
The Club can be contacted on 07 4742 1523.
MultiSkill Centre and RedDoor training café operate to support local youth and others to develop skills and begin learning pathways to certificate qualifications. We provide assistance to those who need extra support to enter or stay in the workforce. Our Skilling Queenslanders for Work projects are funded by the Queensland government.
The programs we offer currently include:
Work Skills Traineeship
Biziskills business traineeship offers paid employment for up to six months on administrative community-based projects. Offering free administrative support to local charities and not-for-profit organisations, the trainees develop real work skills whilst obtaining a certificate in business.
Youth Skills
Youth Skills offers nationally recognised training in hospitality or construction and individualised support to 15–24-year old. With cooked brekky and lunch, hands on projects and dedicated mentors, MultiSkill Centre is a great place for youth to make a fresh start.
Feel free to drop in to MultiSKill Centre to see how we can help you feel supported and be more prepared for employment.
32-36 Short Street Cloncurry QLD 4824