
Administrative Action Complaints
An Administrative Action Complaint (complaint) is a complaint made to Council by someone directly affected by an administrative action of Council or Council staff. It can also include a failure to act on a matter.
Section268(2) of the Local Government Act 2009 defines an ‘administrative action complaint’ as a complaint that is about an administrative action of a local government, including a decision, or failure to make a decision, or an act or failure to do an act.
There are a number of ways you can make a complaint:
- In person at Council’s administration office 38 – 46 Daintree Street, Cloncurry QLD 4824
- By e-mail to
- By phone on 07 4742 4100
- In writing addressed to Shared Services Manager at Cloncurry Shire Council posted to PO Box 3, Cloncurry QLD 4824
If you feel strongly that the matter is particularly serious you may address the correspondence to the Chief Executive Officer.
Council takes all complaints very seriously. Your complaint will be forwarded to the Manager of the division best suited to investigate the complaint. You will be contacted within 10 business days regarding the outcome of the investigation and the actions taken to respond. If the matter is particularly complex and takes more than 10 business days to investigate you will be informed of the progress of the investigation.
Your complaint is confidential, and your information will not be disclosed to anyone outside Council.
Competitive Neutrality Complaint Management
The Competitive Neutrality Complaint Management policy has been developed to meet Councils obligations under Section 48 of the Local Government Act (2009) (the Act).
This policy applies to competitive neutrality complaints regarding business activities undertaken by Council that are in direct competition – or have the potential to be in competition – with the private sector. Competitive neutrality refers to the requirement that Council must not receive any competitive advantage in relation to a business activity because it is a Local Government.
Council is committed to an early resolution process for competitive neutrality complaints. The decision and outcome of a complaint will be made available to the affected person.
There are a number of ways you can make a complaint:
- In person at Council’s administration office, 38 – 46 Daintree Street Cloncurry QLD 4824
- By email to
- By phone, call 07 4742 4100
- In writing addressed to Governance Officer, Cloncurry Shire Council PO Box 3 Cloncurry QLD 4824
If you feel that the matter is particularly serious you may address the correspondence to the Chief Executive Officer
Council recognises that an effective complaints management system is integral to delivering good customer service. An Officer will be tasked with investigating your complaint and will contact you with 10 working days to inform you of their findings and how the issue will be resolved.
If you are unhappy with how Council dealt with your complaint you may contact the Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC) on (07) 3015 5111. The Commission is the State’s independent economic review body and has authority to review how Council dealt with your complaint.