Social Media

Cloncurry Shire Council Facebook page
- Council's Facebook page shares information on Council projects, community events, public notices and more.
Cloncurry Local Disaster Management Group Facebook page
- Cloncurry Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Facebook page shares information on local disaster warnings, disaster and recovery resources, and more.
Experience Cloncurry Facebook page
- Cloncurry's tourism Facebook page, Experience Cloncurry, shares travel itineraries, scenic photos, local tips on things to see and do in town, and more.
Cloncurry Shire Council LinkedIn page
- Council shares business updates, job advertisements and more on their LinkedIn page.
If you choose to engage with any of the social media channels used by Council (for example by providing posts or comments on those channels), you acknowledge that your comments will immediately be made public on those channels. By using the social media channel, you also agree to abide by the privacy policy and the terms and conditions of the relevant social media channel. You also agree that your details, including submissions, are transferred outside of Australia and are subject to the relevant Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions of each service.
Cloncurry Shire Council is subject to the Information Privacy Act 2009 and is committed to respecting your privacy. We therefore ask that you respect the privacy of others when posting in our social media channels. Council records all information posted and uses that information for record-keeping and for considering and/or addressing any comments made.
Council may collect your personal information if you interact with Council’s social media channels. This collection will be for the purpose of improving Council’s services and may involve Council (or a third party contractor) analysing and reporting on various aspects of your personal information.
Cloncurry Shire Council does not claim any ownership rights to the photos that you tag us in. However, by tagging any of Council's social media pages/accounts you hereby grant to Council a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, revocable, non-transferable, perpetual licence to use, modify, delete from, add to, publicly display and/or reproduce, your photo, including without limitation in any online media formats and through any social media channels, pages or accounts.
If your photo is used on Cloncurry Shire Council's digital or social platforms, your name and/or business will always be credited. We may also choose at our sole discretion to link back to your website or business social media profile.
You can revoke this licence at any time by emailing and informing us that you no longer want us to use your photo.
Acceptable use
Views expressed in these channels by anyone other than Cloncurry Shire Council are not Council's views and Council disclaims all liability for any such views, comments, advertising or other non-Council content. Inflammatory, defamatory, commercial, spam and comments encouraging activities illegal in Australia or that are detected as transgressing copyright or other intellectual property laws will be deleted.
Council strives to review content on a regular basis. However, there may be times when offensive comments that do not meet Acceptable Use, appear on the page before they can be removed.
House rules
Cloncurry Shire Council’s social media channels provide information on council services, events, programs, news and more.
What you can expect from us
Council will reply to queries as quickly as possible, though sometimes there will be a delay in providing a full response if we seek advice from a council officer outside of the team who manages the social media channel.
If you need an urgent response or your query contains personal information, please contact Council on (07) 4742 4100 or
What we expect from you
We support the Facebook Community Standards and request that visitors to our social channels do the same.
To ensure our channels are an inclusive, friendly and welcoming space for all visitors, we do moderate where necessary. We ask that when contributing your views to Council social media channels, you ensure that you:
- Be respectful of others and their opinions
- Do not harass, abuse or threaten other visitors to the page or council employees.
- Do not post comments that are likely to offend others, particularly in reference to race, age, gender, sexuality, political leaning, religion or disability.
- Do not use obscene or offensive language.
- Do not post defamatory comments.
- Do not post repeat comments continuously.
- Do not repeatedly post information which is factually inaccurate and may mislead others.
- Do not promote anything that may constitute spam, such as commercial interests, solicitations, or advertisements.
- Protect your personal privacy and that of others by not including personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers or home addresses in public posts or comments. Any posts or comments that violate these terms will be deleted.
Comments that do not adhere to the above will be moderated and potentially removed. Any person who violates these guidelines may be blocked from posting on Council’s social media channels.