Right to Information

Right to Information

Documents held by the Cloncurry Shire Council may be accessed through a variety of mechanisms. The most appropriate method of seeking access to information will depend on what type of information is sought.

Information of the Cloncurry Shire Council is commonly accessed through the following avenues.

Publication Scheme

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from Council. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by the Cloncurry Shire Council.

All information and documents accessible via the Cloncurry Shire Council publication scheme are provided free of charge.

Information has been grouped into the seven information classes listed below.

Some of the documents on this site are currently only available in PDF format. Should you be unable to read these documents please contact Council. Council will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, including charging for costs incurred in producing copies where necessary. Photocopy fees are $0.50 per page.

Who we are and what we do - Agency information, location and contacts, constitutional and legal governance.

  • About Us 
  • Latest News
  • Local Laws
  • Employment
  • Shire Information and History
  • Councillors
  • Organisation Structure
  • Contact Council

How we make decisions - Policy proposals and decisions, decision-making processes, internal criteria and procedures and consultations.

  • Council Meetings
  • Public Attendance
  • Council Minutes
  • Community Engagement - is the key mechanism for the identification of local values and local needs. Various community engagement activities happen throughout the year. Keep up to date with the latest news.
  • Planning Scheme
  • Local Laws

What we spend and how we spend it - Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.

  • Budget Document
  • Fees and Charges
  • Rates Information and Forms
  • Subsidies on Rates and Charges
  • Annual Reports
  • Tenders
  • Contracts

Lists and Registers - Information held in registers required by legislation and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the agency, including datasets.

Lists and registers that Council is required to hold by law. The Local Government Act 2009 requires Council to report a list of registers kept by Council and to make the register open to inspection. You can ask for more information about our public registers by contacting the Council Administration Office.

A sample of our public registers open to inspection:

  • Land register
  • Schedule of Fees and Charges
  • Delegations Register - Council to CEO
  • Personal interests of Councillors and Councillor related persons
  • Local Law and Local Law Policy Register
  • Policy Register
  • Building Register
  • Register of Enterprises
  • Councillor Conduct Register

Our policies and procedures - Current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities.

  • Policies
  • Local Laws
  • Code of Conduct Councillors
  • Councillor Conduct Register

What our priorities are and how we are doing - Strategy and performance information, plan assessments, inspections and reviews.

  • Corporate Plan
  • Annual Report

The services we offer at Cloncurry Shire Council are listed below.


  • Media releases 
  • Public notices
  • Newsletters


  • Policy documents
  • Annual Report
  • Corporate Plan
  • Operational Plan
  • Budget Document
  • Planning Scheme

Council Facilities

  • Airport
  • Bob McDonald Library
  • Cemetery
  • Community Precinct
  • Community Bus
  • Curry Kids Early Learning Centre
  • Dr David-Harvey Sutton Gallery
  • Equestrian Centre
  • Racecourse
  • Recreation Grounds
  • Shire Hall
  • St Andrew's Garden Settlement
  • Swimming Pool

Disclosure Log

The disclosure log provides information in response to non-personal information requests made under the Right to Information Act 2009.

Our disclosure log provides documents released in response to information requests made under the Right to Information Act 2009, where they do not contain the applicant’s personal information, or are otherwise unsuitable for publication according to legislation.

Documents released under the Act to applicants will be progressively published via our disclosure log.

If you would like to access the documents in the disclosure log, please contact Council.

For further information, refer to the Disclosure Log archive.

Reference number Date of application No. of pages Requested information Available for release
292913 15.02.2024 887 Documents relating to works on roads around Kajabbi, Gereta-Rocky Glen, Lake Julius, Dobbyn, and While Hills. Yes - contact Council as charges may apply
202599 08.05.2015 69 Complaint re Duchess Hotel and Cost of Works carried out on Duchess-Mount Isa Road between March and May 2015 Yes - contact Council as charges may apply 
199489 27.01.2015   Information in relation to lighting of footpath and nature strip adjoining Cloncurry Bowls Club - including complaints and which body or organisation is responsible for lighting in this area Yes - contact Council as charges may apply
198812 16.12.2014 32 Documents relating to construction and supply of concrete for Cloncurry Weir Project Yes - contact Council as charges may apply

Administrative Access

Administrative Access schemes are designed to give individuals access to their own personal information except where legislation such as the Adoption Act 2009 (Qld) prevents such release, or the information contains the personal information of another person, which would require the agency to consider the Information Privacy Act 2009. Where it is decided that information cannot be released administratively, the person requesting it will be advised that they can apply for access under the RTI or IP Acts.

The documents below are available through the Cloncurry Shire Council offices for the fee specified.


Fee 2022/2023

Rates and Water Meter reading


Rate Ownership Details


Copy of town planning scheme, policies and maps (hard copy or electronic)


Complete copy of cemetery register in alphabetical order

Currently in progress

Annual Report and Financial Statements (available on website)


Corporate Plan 2016-2021 (available on website)


Other documents and services available through the Cloncurry Shire Council can be viewed in the Cloncurry Shire Council's Fees and Charges.

Lodge a Request

If you have been unable to find what you are looking for on our website, please contact the Corporate Development Officer who will advise whether it can be released administratively. Alternatively, it may be necessary to lodge an application under the Right to Information Act 2009. You may direct general enquiries regarding Right to Information to:

Cloncurry Shire Council

  • Email: council@cloncurry.qld.gov.au
  • Phone: 07 4742 4100
  • Fax: 07 4742 1712
  • Post: PO Box 3, Cloncurry Qld 4824
  • Address: 38-46 Daintree Street, Cloncurry Qld 4824

Current employees are entitled to access their own employee records. For details on how to apply for administrative access to employee records, please contact Council.

Under the Right to Information Act 2009, any person has the right of access to most documents held by Council. Documents held by Council include paper files, microfiche, print outs, computer records, files, visual material and audio recordings. 

Applications must be made by completing the application form (PDF). For amendment of information please complete the Information Privacy Personal Information Amendment Application (PDF).

All applications must provide sufficient information to enable the identification of the documents requested as well as certified identification of the applicant, e.g. driver's license, birth certificate etc within 10 business days of lodging the application. Council will determine if the information or document requested is available under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009

Applications relating to 'personal information' do not require an application fee. 

You will be given notices outlining the following;

  • That you are required to pay an RTI fee that must be paid at the time of application, processing and access charges may also apply.
  • What the estimated charge may be
  • What the basis is for calculating the estimate
  • That you can consult with Council to amend the application in order to reduce the charge
  • That you must agree in writing to pay the application charge, withdraw or request a waiver of charges on the grounds of financial hardship. 

Council has 25 business days in which to provide applicants with a decision regarding access to information. There are some factors that can alter this limited as per Section 69 of the Act. 

To speak to the Right to Information Officer please contact Council on 4742 4100.

Before entering the application process, check whether the information required is accessible via other means (e.g. through Council's publication scheme). If so, an application under the RTI Act 2009 or IP Act 2009 should not be lodged.

Check Council's current Fees and Charges for application, processing and other office administrations fees.

Lodgement and Payment 

Applications can be submitted in the following forms

By post

Cloncurry Shire Council 
PO Box 3

In person 

Between 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday at the Cloncurry Shire Council administration office.

38-46 Daintree Street

Payment can be made in the following forms.

  • Cheque (crossed, marked 'not negotiable' and payable to Cloncurry Shire Council)
  • EFTPOS and Credit Card payment
  • Cash (please do not send via post)