Major Projects

The Cloncurry Aviation Precinct - Renewal and Upgrade Project - Stage 1 will deliver much needed investment into one of the region's key transport assets: the Cloncurry Airport.
The renewals and upgrades to runways, taxiways, aprons, lighting, drainage and electrical systems will ensure that the Cloncurry Airport is able to continue playing a crucial role as a key facility for:
- The transit of FIFO workers servicing the Critical Minerals sector of North West Queensland.
- The delivery of RPT services to Cloncurry.
- Accessing aeromedical services.
- The coordination of Counter Disaster Operations and disaster recovery efforts during times of flood and bushfire.
- General aviation operations, including charters and the Horizon Airways Flight School.
- Drone testing operations.
The Airport is going through a period of sustained growth and with Copperstring 2032 FIFO operations and the potential advent of Harmony’s Eva Copper Mine in the next few years, the trend in passenger growth evidenced below is expected to continue:
YEAR | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 |
PAX | 59,814 | 59,211 | 54,911 | 57,165 | 69,531 | 74,561 | 82,893 |
Project Status
Council has now completed design on the Cloncurry Aviation Precinct - Renewals and Upgrade Project - Stage 1 and released a Design and Construct procurement process pursuant to a Tender Consideration Plan endorsed by Council at the 17 December 2024 Council meeting. Key tender documentation includes:
The design and delivery methodology for upgrades to the Cloncurry Airport has been confirmed, and, subject to receipt of external funding, Council will progress the following as Stage 1 works:
- Resurfacing and upgrading Runway 12/30 with a 60mm dense-graded asphalt overlay
- Upgrading Aerodrome Ground Lighting (AGL) to ensure compliance with current standards
- Upgrading Apron Lighting to ensure compliance with current standards and to provide sufficient illumination to enable night-time flight operations
- Line-marking
- Drainage and flanking works
These designs and associated scope were derived from a detailed master planning process completed in 2023. This process involved the Airport Masterplanning Advisory Committee and progressed through Strategic Assessment Review, Master Plan, and Concept Design Report:
Stage 2 works will be focused on:
- Stabilisation and seal of runway 06/24
- Reseal of General Aviation taxiway and apron
Progress Updates
February 2025
Release of tender and completion of on-site tender briefing session with select tenderers.
December 2024
Completion of tender consideration plan to confirm procurement process. Continued work on IFT documentation.
November 2024
Finalisation of design documentation for pavements, lighting, line-marking, drainage completed (90%) for incorporation into Design and Construct procurement documentation to be released in early January 2025.
October 2024
Cost Benefit Analysis (financial and economic analysis of the proposed project) completed by AEC. CBA identifies a CBR of 3.27 and NPV of $$73.7m
August 2024
Completed detailed engineering survey of the existing pavements and associated infrastructure.
June 2024
Completed subsequent peer review to verify suitability of pavement analysis and proposed methodology for renewals and upgrades.
May 2024
Completed Cloncurry Airport Pavement Concept Analysis to inform concept designs for the renewal of the aircraft pavement at Cloncurry airport. The pavement analysis included the main runway, secondary runway and the taxiways/aprons associated with both.
August 2023
Completed peer review of the masterplan and concept design for the airside works at Cloncurry Airport, prepared for Cloncurry Shire Council by Ramboll.
July 2023
Council’s Consultant, Ramboll, Completed technical documentation and concept design for the master plan.
March 2023
The Airport Masterplan options were presented to Council on the 10 March 2023 with a final masterplan concept selected.
February 2023
Council decided on an Advisory Committee for the Cloncurry Airport Master Plan. The committee’s role is to help guide the Airport Master Planning process. Council sought industry representatives and key stakeholders to join Council’s Mayor and CEO on the committee.
November 2022
Nominations closed for the Cloncurry Airport Master Plan Advisory Committee.
October 2022
Nominations opened for the Cloncurry Airport Master Plan Advisory Committee.
Funding Source
This project is funded by Cloncurry Shire Council and the Preparing Australian Communities - Local Stream Program.
Council is now looking to finalise funding arrangements to deliver the Cloncurry Aviation Precinct – Renewals and Upgrade Project – Stage 1.
Cloncurry Airport.
Project Description
Council has identified an opportunity to replace Coppermine Creek Bridge with new bridge that will provide safer access for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists, as well as being a more resilient structure against flooding.
Key Features
- New dual lane bridge (9.2 metres wide)
- Separate shared pathway (3 metres wide)
- More resilient structure to withstanding flooding
- More suitable street lighting
Project Status
The project is currently in the Execution stage. Preliminary works are due to commence in September 2024.
Progress Update
September 2024
Construction on the new bridge is due to begin. Click here to see the public notice, advising that work is due to commence and related road closures.
July 2024
Tender awarded for the construction of the new bridge.
March 2024
Tender released for the construction of the new bridge.
October 2023
A construction plan and program has been developed.
May 2023
An application has been lodged to relocate power poles and planning for temporary services relocation to enable construction works is underway.
Funding Source
- This project is funded by Cloncurry Shire Council and the Australian Government’s Bridges Renewal Program (BRP) Round 5
Coppermine Creek Bridge on Sheaffe Street, between Short Street and McKinlay Street.
Project Description
Cloncurry Shire Council intends building a new Early Learning Centre to replace the existing Curry Kids Early Learning Centre. It is expected that the new Centre will assist to reduce the current waiting lists, will also cater for future demand in Cloncurry, and improve current services with the overall offering of a new facility to children and educators.
Key Features
- A new state-of-the-art childcare facility that will incorporate best practice design to future-proof the Shire’s early childhood education offering.
- A new facility that has the potential to double the capacity of the service will have a positive impact on the local economy. It can potentially alleviate childcare's strain on local families and businesses.
- The modernised new facility will have a flexible design that will cater to the changing demands of the community in the future.
Project Status
Site preparation works are underway.
Progress Updates
March 2024
Site continues to be cleared of existing structures and waste, and a Remediation Action Plan is being prepared to inform Site Remediation works.
October 2023
Site preparation works are underway.
October 2022
Detailed design contract awarded.
Funding Source
This project is funded by Cloncurry Shire Council, Queensland Reconstruction Authority, the Australian Govenrment's Growing Regions Program Round 1 and the Queensland Government's Resource Community Infrastructure Fund Round 2.
A new site location will be advised in due course.

A concept design of the new Curry Kids Early Learning Centre

A concept design of the new Curry Kids Early Learning Centre

Curry Kids Early Learning Centre concept image
Project Description
Cloncurry Shire Council is undertaking a streetscape master planning exercise focusing on the town centre, anchored by Scarr and Ramsay Streets, and as part of a broader project including both a utilities upgrade in the town centre and entry statements on the highway east and west. This town centre upgrade is a once-in-a-generation project that will help define the character of the town centre for the community for decades to come. Council has progressed to a revised concept design for the Cloncurry town centre streetscape. Council aims to effectively engage with the community to reach a coherent, iconic, practical, constructable and maintainable outcome which can become the basis of a template for the redevelopment of the broader town.
Key Features
- Streetscape beautification
- Enhance connectivity from John Flynn Place, Florence Clark Park, and the town centre precinct
Design Documents
- Civil Package
- Structural Package
- Electrical Package
- Lanscape Concept
- Site Renders
- Inspired Centre Awning
Have you seen the Scarr Street Revitalisation Video Fly Throughs?
- Scarr Street Revitalisation Video Fly Through (November 2024)
- Scarr Street Revitalisation Video Fly Through (Day)
- Scarr Street Revitalisation Video Fly Through (Night)
Project Status
The focus of the project now shifts to preparing for the final community engagements, ensuring that stakeholders have the opportunity to provide feedback on the refined design. Concurrently, critical discussions are underway regarding the construction methodologies, staging, and funding to ensure the project's feasibility and successful implementation.
Progress Updates
August 2024
The conceptual design process has reached its final stage, with Council and the design consultants having incorporated all necessary revisions.
June 2024
To further refine the conceptual design, a supplementary cadastral survey was conducted. This aided the team in advancing the design process for services, footpaths, and pavement. Additionally, Council and Telstra assessed the condition of communication pits and lids. Subsequently, Align Consulting Engineers presented the second iteration of the conceptual design to Council. Feedback was received, with the aim to finalise the conceptual design in July.
March 2024
A photogrammetry survey was conducted along Scarr Street. This survey involved taking detailed photographs from various angles to create a precise 3D model of the street and its surroundings. The resulting data was used by consultants to inform and enhance the design process of the project.
February 2024
Council appoints Align Consulting Engineers to further develop the design of the Scarr Street project. This development includes moving from the conceptual stage to the level of detailed design and documentation. It is anticipated that the consultants would finish the entire design and documentation package by the end of the year (2024).
October 2023
Surveying works finalised and project managers progressed with services, pavement and traffic concept design and scoping. Stakeholder engagement with Cloncurry Local Business Network. A project program was drafted, accounting for two stages of works.
March 2023
Request for Quotation documentation developed for the engineering design, including traffic swept paths and utilities.
March 2022
Community consultation on the Scarr Street Revisitation Project.
Funding Source
This project is funded by Cloncurry Shire Council.
Scarr Street, Cloncurry.
Project Description
Cloncurry Shire Council are commemorating the historic significance of the former town water supply well that was located at the Sheaffe Street/Daintree Street roundabout with the installation of a monument. The monument design will be chosen from the competition entrants to symbolise Cloncurry’s historic significance. The concepts/designs will be assessed by a judging panel with the winner to have their concept/design built on the Sheaffe Street/Daintree Street Roundabout.
Key Features
- Monument on Sheaffe Street/Daintree Street roundabout to commemorate the former town water well
Project Status
Council is currently seeking quotes for concept design.
Progress Updates
April 2023
Completion of the final revised design.
March 2022
Design competition closed. Judging of entries commences.
February 2022
Design competition released.
Funding Source
This project is funded by Cloncurry Shire Council.
Daintree Street and Sheaffe Street roundabout.
Completed Projects
Project Description
Cloncurry Shire Council is looking to upgrade the Chinaman Creek Recreational Reserve to increase recreational options available in/around town, to connect with country, to showcase our landscape and environment, to support community health and well-being and to provide visitors with an extra reason to stay in town a little longer. The intent of the project is to provide a readily accessible area, allowing for future development opportunities to maximise the use at the Recreation Reserve.
Key Features
- New pavilion structure with upgraded BBQ facilities, a bar and opportunities for food trucks
- New fenced children’s playground with new play equipment
- New storage for water sports equipment, pontoon, segregated swimming area with outdoor showers
- New amenities block
- Formalised parking and traffic circulation
- Revised landscaping development
Project Status
All construction works have been completed and the recreation area is open to the public.
Progress Updates
February 2023
Project complete.
October 2022
Time-lapse of the first 2 months of work on site shared. Click here to view the time-lapse.
August 2022
Construction begins at Chinaman Creek Dam Recreation Area.
Funding Source
This project is funded by Cloncurry Shire Council and Queensland State Government Works for Queensland (COVID-19) Grant.
Chinaman Creek Dam Recreation Area.
Chinaman Creek Dam Recreation Area Playground
Aerial View of Chinaman Creek Dam Recreation Area (Image Source: Auzscot Constructions)
Chinaman Creek Dam Master Plan
Project Description
This project was aimed at renewing and improving Council's existing CCTV network, expanding the network to improve public safety, crime prevention and asset protection, integrating disparate systems to ensure improved system accessibility and functionality. The project provides a fully integrated CCTV system to cover both public spaces and Council facilities, along with interconnection to the Queensland Police.
Project Status
This project is now complete.
Funding Source
This CCTV Project was developed with the support of the Queensland Government’s 2021-24 Works for Queensland Program in association with Cloncurry Shire Council.
CCTV has been installed at various locations around the Cloncurry township.
A screenshot of Cloncurry CCTV cloud hosted platform.
Project Desscription
Cloncurry Shire Council has been working on upgrading infrastructure and aesthetics at the Lawn Cemetery on Sir Hudson Fysh Drive. It will part of greater beautification works to enhance the appearance of the cemetery. These works will be undertaken over three stages
Key Features
- Install three 7m rotunda style gazebos for contemplation
- Install a memorial wall for plaques
- Upgrade the irrigation to the lawn cemetery
- Install new welcome and rules signage at the entrance plus a notice board adjacent one of the gazebos
- Remove the existing grid and install new gates
- Install new internal carpark
- Remediate the internal roads
Project Status
This project was completed in June 2022.
Progress Updates
June 2022
Project completed.
April 2021
Construction begins at the Lawn Cemetery.
Funding Source
Cloncurry Shire Council funded this project.
Cloncurry Lawn Cemetery, on Sir Hudson Fysh Drive.
Project Description
Cloncurry Saleyards have proven to be a key asset to the community; Cloncurry Shire Council is continuing to invest in the facility to ensure its future growth. With a keen eye on this facility's continued sustainability and growth, Council is currently progressing a master plan for the Cloncurry Saleyards. The plan will underpin future investment in the facility.
Key Features
- Development of an Options Analysis and Masterplan for the Saleyards facility and precinct
Project Status
Options were presented to the Cloncurry Saleyards steering committee and preferred options were recommended.
Progress Updates
April 2023
Finalising the draft Masterplan, Economic Impact Assessment and Cost Benefit Analysis for presentation and review.
March 2023
Stakeholders and contractors met to discuss key component priorities and the next steps to progress development.
Funding Source
This project is funded by Cloncurry Shire Council.
Cloncurry Saleyard Facility
Cloncurry Selling Complex Masterplan
Project Description
The Cloncurry Weir is an essential piece of infrastructure to further drought-proof the town and provide a safe and reliable water supply for residents.
A sustainable water supply is an essential Council service. Recent years of below-average rainfall highlighted the need for Council to construct additional infrastructure to secure long-term water storage.
The Weir completed in February 2014 has proven to be a valuable asset to Council and is a long-term water storage solution.
The Weir also supports economic development through the provision of adequate water for industry.
Fast Facts
- Completed in February 2014
- Secures an additional 700 megalitres of water in the Cloncurry River
- Ability to harvest 35 mega litres per day into Chinaman Creek Dam which equates to eight days of town usage per day of harvesting
- The water held by the Weir replenishes river aquifers and shallow fractures rock aquifers
- $150,000 of works were funded by the Queensland State Government Local Government Grants Subsidy Program.
- This includes a Fish Ladder to assist with the migration of fish up and down the Cloncurry River.
Project Description
In an effort to boost local events, Cloncurry Shire Council is progressing a project that will see over 1,700 new grandstand seats made available at venues across the Shire. New fixed, shaded grandstands in Cloncurry and Dajarra, plus a mobile grandstand that can travel to places such as Quamby and Burke and Wills, will be welcome additions to local events.
Key Features
- Cloncurry Recreation Grounds - new grandstands, team and officials shelters around Eddie Lee Fields and shade structure adjoining the kiosk area; a new grandstand, influenced by the Old Grandstand, at the Oval; and a refurbished grandstand relocated from Eddie Lee Field.
- Dajarra Sports Grounds - new shaded grandstands around the Rodeo Arena and shade structure adjoining the kiosk area
- Mobile Grandstand Package - This package will support events held within the Shire such as rodeos, campdrafts and festivals (Quamby Rodeo, Burke & Wills Rodeo, Beat the Heat Festival, Cloncurry Show etc.).
Project Status
The project is now complete.
Progress Updates
July 2024
Mobile grandstand was delivered.
March 2024
Off-site frabrication of the mobile grandstand continues.
October 2023
Civil works have been completed at Eddie Lee Feild, in preparation for the installation of the new grandstands and shade structures.
September 2023
New grandstands and shade structures completed.
June 2023
Replacement of the Old Grandstand and relocation of a granstand, from Eddie Lee Feild to the Main Oval, completed.
May 2023
- The replacement grandstand and the relocated-refurbished grandstand at the Oval have been completed.
- Works to install the new grandstands around Eddie Lee Field are planned to commence after the Cloncurry Show; and
- Planning for the Dajarra grandstand builds is ongoing, with work scheduled to be completed prior to the Dajarra Rodeo.
Funding Source
- Resources Community Infrastructure Fund (RCIF)
- Cloncurry Shire Council
- Local Roads & Community Infrastructure P3
Various sporting and recreation venues throughout the Shire.
Project Description
The Main Well Replacement project involves the installation of new, large diameter, production bores to provide an alternative source of water to supply Cloncurry. The project will provide the community an alternative reliable water source.
Project Status
This project is now complete.
New platforms for electrical distribution boards.
Water running into a new tank.
Project Description
Development of a shared pedestrian path and cycleway connecting the Chinaman Creek Dam Recreational Reserve with the town centre (nominally) at Florence Clarke Park/Cloncurry Primary School/John Flynn Place. The primary objectives are to increase recreational options available in/around town, to connect with country, to showcase our landscape and environment, to support community health and well-being and to provide visitors with an extra reason to stay in town a little longer.
Key Features
- 2.5-metre-wide footpath for bicycles, joggers and pedestrians
- Safe off-road pathway
Project Status
The project has been completed and the new pathway is now open to the public.
Progress Updates
October 2023
Construction worked completed and the pathway was opened to the public.
February 2023
Construction of Stage 2 commenced.
October 2022
Stage 1 of the Pathway to Chinaman Creek Dam Project complete.
July 2022
Design of Stage 2 of the Pathway to Chinaman Creek Dam Project is being finalised.
May 2022
Construction begins on Stage 1 of the Pathway to Chinaman Creek Dam Project.
Funding Sources
This project is jointly funded by Cloncurry Shire Council, Queensland Government Cycle Network Local Grants (Stage 1) and Australian Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grants (Round 3).
The pathway will be from the Daintree Street and Sheaffe Street intersection, continuing out to Chinaman Creek Dam Recreation Area. Council will share a public notice if project works are going to impact public access to roads or facilities.
Construction on Stage 2 of the Chinaman Creek Dam Pathway Project is underway.
Aerial photo of the path to Chinaman Creek Dam Stage 2
Mayor Greg Campbell opening the new Chinaman Creek Dam Eco Trail
Project Description
Cloncurry Shire Council is sub-dividing land on Perkin Street to create 9 new ‘country-style executive homes’ to help improve liveability options to promote economic development. This project will deliver nine new houses in Cloncurry, to attract and retain new families to the town. The project will be delivered in two stages, Stage 1 will be civils/earthworks and Stage 2 will be construction of housing.
Key Features
- 9 country style executive homes
- 6 houses will have 4 bedrooms, and 3 will have 3 bedrooms
Project Status
This project is now complete.
Progress Updates
July 2024
Stage 2, construction of the houses, is now complete.
March 2024
Roofing, plumbing and electrical works are being carried out on the houses.
October 2023
Continuation of housing construction. Steel framing and roof trusses are going up.
March 2023
Civil works associated with the subdivision of the blocks into 9 residential parcels, Stage 1, has been completed. Stage 2, design of the 9 houses, is in progress.
June 2022
Stage 1 works begin.
Funding Source
This project is funded by Cloncurry Shire Council and the Australian Government Building Better Regions Fund (Round 5).
The sub-division is on a block of land, on the corner of Perkins Street and Railway Street.
Senator Anthony Chisholm and Mayor Greg Campbell officially open the Perkins Street Housing Development
Project Description
Cloncurry Shire Council is upgrading Sir Hudson Fysh Drive. The project involves widening and reconstructing the existing road formation to improve safety for all road users, construction of cemetery car-parking and extension of cycle paths along Sir Hudson Fysh Drive.
Key Features
- Road widening
- Lawn Cemetery sealed carpark
- Cycle and foot path extension
Progress Status
This project is now complete.
Progress Updates
May 2023
Line marking on road and parking.
April 2023
The prime went down on 19 April 2023, on Sir Hudson Fysh Drive. This will be followed by the seal going down on Saturday, 22 April 2023, which will be the final step in the rectification works.
March 2023
Weather events delayed the contractor’s original start date of Monday, 13 March 2023; however, they are confident the works will still be completed on time. Works are expected to be completed on 31 March 2023.
February 2023
Cloncurry Shire Council wishes to advise that final works will be completed on Sir Hudson Fysh Drive in March 2023. Council is in final negotiations with a Transport and Main Roads accredited regional contractor to complete the works during March 2023.
New contractor arranged
Council and the previous contractor parted ways in late December 2022, following the most recent effort to complete the final sealing of the road.
July 2022
Project completed.
May 2022
Construction begins.
Funding Source
This project is funded by Cloncurry Shire Council, Queensland Government Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme and Australian Government Roads to Recovery Program.
Sir Hudson Fysh Drive, between Alice Street and the Carl Katter Bridge.
Project Description
The aim of this project is to assist Council by providing live telemetry and management of all sewer pump stations, integrated into the Sewer Treatment Geo SCADA network accessible via the web. It will help Council better understand the different components of its sewerage processing system.
Project Status
This project is now complete.
Funding Source
This Water & Sewerage Network – SCADA Project was developed with the support of the Queensland Government’s 2021-24 Works for Queensland Program in association with Cloncurry Shire Council.
Sewerage Treatment Plant and various sewage pump stations in town.